Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Law & Order: SVU fantastic on Tuesday

Law & Order: SVU turned out one of the best episodes in the 10 years it has been on the air last night. "Swing" was a compelling chronicle of Det. Stabler's daughter Kathleen's battle with bi-polar disorder. We got to meet Stabler's mother, who was played by former Emmy nominee Ellen Burstyn.

It was revealed that she had suffered through her own manic-depressive disorder
while trying to raise Elliot. Powerful performances were turned in by both Burstyn and Allison Siko, who portayed the troubled Kathleen. Add that with the always spectacular starring cast and this was certainly one of the best things I've seen so far this television season.

The intense psychological drama that is found on Law & Order: SVU is rarely found anywh
ere else on television. It may be the only noteworthy drama NBC has left. You can catch it new every Tuesday at 10/9c.

What's on Wednesday?
Most of primetime is off this Wednesday for the final presidential debate. However, there is a new Pushing Daisies tonight at 8/7c on ABC before the debate begins.

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