Monday, July 21, 2008

No Reservations on Mondays

Last week on Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations, Tony brought us to Columbia, a country that is experiencing a resurgence after decades of control by drug cartels and warlords. Many of the urban neighborhoods are coming alive with culture after finally being brought from under the control of crime and ignorance. Tony attended a party hosted by a local hip hop group made up of people that are from several different neighborhoods that had been at war with each other just a few years ago. However, not everything is being modernized. One of the most intriguing parts of the episode was when he visited a small fishing town which is right across the bay from the booming economic center of Cartagena. Here, just miles from the high-rise skyline, people were living a simple life where everything they ate was caught or grown themselves. Tony leaves us with a sentiment of optimism that Columbia can put its troubled past behind it and usher in a new era of good times.

What's On?
Of course, it's a new episode of Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations at 10/9c on the Travel Channel. Tonight, a huge fan of the show invites Tony to come to his homeland of Saudi Arabia.

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